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LED display screen
High strength, good flatness, outdoor powder high-pressure electrostatic spraying, corrosion-resistant, and aging-resistant.
The products mainly include: standard, non-standard simple, fully waterproof display screen enclosures, front maintenance enclosures, arc-shaped enclosures, strip screen enclosures, and indoor magnetic suction enclosures.
The products mainly include: standard, non-standard simple, fully waterproof display screen enclosures, front maintenance enclosures, arc-shaped enclosures, strip screen enclosures, and indoor magnetic suction enclosures.
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Contact Phone:
Address: Xiaoxuzhuang Industrial Zone, Zhouguantun Town, Qing County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province
Manager:+86-17331733677(Liu Xinli)
Production Director:+86-18303293456(Li Xing)
Sales Manager:+86-18733003099(Liu Wei)

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