Product Description

Width: Standard network cabinets are available in 600mm and 800mm widths, both sizes can accommodate 19-inch installations, with 800mm commonly used in situations with more cables.
Depth: Common depths include 600mm, 800mm, 900mm, 960mm, 1000mm, 1100mm, and 1200mm.
Height: Ranges from 6U to 47U, commonly used heights are 32U, 37U, 42U, and 47U, with 42U being the most common, around 2000mm.
In recent years, with the continuous popularization and development of electronic devices, the variety of electronic devices has increased, and their sizes have varied. The size of electronic devices affects the dimensions of the chassis and cabinet, as they are typically used to store electronic devices. Different sizes of electronic devices require different sizes of chassis and cabinets. Generally, the standard size of a one-meter network cabinet is 600mm*600mm*1000mm. Server cabinets usually have higher depth requirements, so one-meter server cabinets are rarely seen. The height of network cabinets is generally 2000mm, 2200mm, or 2600mm. For downflow cabinets, it is generally better not to exceed 2200mm in height. The width of network cabinets is usually 600mm, but in special cases, 800mm may also be used. For depth, we generally use 1200mm, 1100mm, or 1000mm. For downflow intakes, a depth greater than 1100mm is preferable, while for front intake network cabinets, it is generally less than 1100mm. Different types of chassis and cabinets also have different dimensions. Choosing the appropriate size of chassis and cabinet according to personal needs is very important to avoid resource shortages or waste.

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Address: Xiaoxuzhuang Industrial Zone, Zhouguantun Town, Qing County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province

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